
Manjari Sankurathri Memorial FoundationMSMF

In loving memory of his wife Manjari, son Srikiran and daughter Sarada, who passed away in the Air India disaster on June 23, 1985, Dr. Chandrasekhar Sankurathri established Manjari Sankurathri Memorial Foundation (MSMF) in Canada, in 1989.

The Foundation, a registered charity, has taken the mandate to promote rural community development through education, health care and disaster relief programs. Together United4Literacy and the MS Memorial Foundation have partnered to sponsor numerous children over the years. Through continuous efforts by both parties, we are truly “empowering through education”.

Single Parent Association of Newfoundland – SPAN

The Single Parent Association of Newfoundland (SPAN) is a social services organization founded in 1987 to support single parents in Newfoundland. 

The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions prevented U4L to host its annual Lunchboxes4Literacy fundraiser for the past two years. A creative solution needed to be implemented to adjust to the global circumstances. In the first fundraiser event after the COVID-19 pandemic, U4L partnered with SPAN as part of our ground mission to raise school supplies for their back to school program. This was done through the inaugural SpellingBee4Literacy.

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